Thursday, December 6, 2007

All I want for Christmas is...

A Jackhammer!

This morning during breakfast, when we were both quietly eating, Joseph suddenly said "Maybe Santa Claus will bring me a Jackhammer." I'm not making this stuff up, and we haven't influenced him in either direction either. He is just so very much, and very naturally, a boy. Before I had a boy I thought that a lot of external conditioning went into kids' interests, and with some kids maybe that is true. But Joseph is just heavily predispositioned to being a very masculine boy, at least so far. He likes his stuffed animals, but he Loves his trucks.


Heidi said...

A jackhammer! Yes he is a real boy allright. Do they sell jackhammers in toy version? Probably not; too bad. I just saw that it is -7 degrees there? Brrr, I'm not sure I'm going to like that. I think I'm going to look for a sweater still.The pictures of Joseph in the snow (on your website) are so cute.

Michelle Liebgott-Osinga said...

Hi Mem, Yes it is really cold here today, but in the house it is nice and warm.

Mother Theresa said...

Glad to see you're feeling a bit better. Joseph is just the cutest little thing, I hope you find him a toy jackhammer because that would be his best present ever. Did you try looking at ToysRUs?

I know you're probably really busy, but I nominated you for a Citizen of the World award. Just check out my blog to see what it's about. You don't have to write much or nominate anybody if you don't want to, just put the picture up on your sidebar, okay?