Monday, November 24, 2008


Last Friday after I got my haircut, I was finally able to finish up with my study. I have finished sorting all of the books and found places for all of my knitting and sewing materials, and also all of my other things. It feels good to have finished this and its great to finally have a work room of my own after all of these years. Here are some photos.

This is a wonderful room for a study. I have had dreams of having a cabin where I could study and create, and so I love that the pin Oak branches outside look like they are hugging the room. When the tree is full of leaves it really shrouds the view of the street and so I fell quite separate from the outside world. Here are some photos of my view while I am writing this.


Heidi said...

Fantastic to have a room all to yourself. I like the tablecloth!!!!!

Mother Theresa said...

Cool! I love the house and I wish I had a room like that. I saw your haircut, looks good - totally Amelie. That's one of my favorite movies too. :)