Monday, May 7, 2007

Artist Trading Cards

A couple of weeks ago I went into Barnes and Noble bookstore and caught sight of a book called Artist Trading Card Workshop. I had never heard of Artist Trading Cards (also called ATC's) before. The images in the book were intriguing, ranging from collage, to resin sculpture, to traditional painting and drawing techniques. The book also listed some websites, so I decided to check those out when I got home.

The basic idea behind these cards is that 1) they are 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches, and 2) they are traded, never sold. Both of these ideas appeal to me. I like the idea of working on a small scale, with the size as the only limiting factor, and also that they are exchanged. Often the trading happens in face to face meetings (if you are lucky enough to be in a place where there are other people who make them,) but lots of trades happen over the internet as well. I found a website where you can join trades based on a theme. I just finished my first two cards last night. The theme for this set was a portrait of someone famous. I did Paul Gauguin (from his Les Miserables self-portrait,) and Vincent van Gogh (after John Russell.) They are both pen and watercoler, and are mounted on scrapbook paper. I think this is going to be fun!


Heidi said...

you mean you painted these yourself? they are fantastic and it is too bad you can't sell them.

Mother Theresa said...

Really nice work, it is too bad you can't sell them.

Nicole Liebgott Photography said...

these are so cute what a great idea. I hope there are some people around you that are doing the same thing. Can't wait to see you P.S. i finally got a blog too. Nicoleliebgottphotography@blogger .com same one as you We love you and miss you hope Joeseph has a great day Nicole