Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I added a lighter book to what I am reading right now- Riquet Pique et le Coin Ideal. It is a children's book about a Porcupine who is trying to find the perfect place to live. I got it from my french teacher at Humboldt. I started it then when in classes, but couldn't find the time to finish it, even though it was a lot of fun.
Othello is not quite as exciting to read for me as I had hoped-which means not as interesting as Hamlet. Hamlet is my favorite Shakespearean tragedy, so I guess it isn't really fare to compare. However, I had read that Shakespeare wrote Othello in the same time period, and actually just after Hamlet, so I guess I had my hopes up for something nearly as good. Iago, the main character in Othello, is just so completely evil, and that is pretty much all there is to his character. It makes for a story of one evil person plotting against the innocent, and so far there isn't much more to it for me. In Hamlet, the murderer of his father is his uncle, who happens to be in love with Hamlet's mother (and she with him.) So, in that play the hate is tied up with love, and that makes things infinitely more interesting. I will finish Othello, but I defiantly needed something light when the evil gets to be too much.

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