Monday, April 16, 2007

City and Nature

This morning I took Joseph to the Bennett-Martin Library which is in downtown Lincoln. It is so nice to go there; the art books are pretty much all at this branch, they have a pretty courtyard with a fountain with some nice figurative sculptures, and overall it just feels more cosmopolitan than the other branches. I had taken Joseph there about a month ago, and soon after we got there he remembered that they have a large (4 feet long) cardboard bus on display in the children's section.
After the library we went to a cafe near the University to meet Jim. I always love going to cafes, especially ones that are near Universities. We sat outside because the weather was quite warm today. Joseph loved sitting outside because so many interesting vehicles go past the cafe.
Afterward we went home and had a nap and then spent the afternoon planting seeds and relaxing in the yard. When Jim got home he took Joseph for a bike ride, and I relaxed on a blanket with Spot, and looked up at the branches of the Oak Tree. There are lots of birds around lately and there were a few singing in the branches. I think we are on the brink of the migration because lately I have seen lots more species around. I have seen Brewer's Blackbirds, Starlings, Robins, House Sparrows, Cardinals, and Blue Jays pretty frequently. The last few days I have been seeing lots of Grackles and today I saw something with big white eye patches. I am not sure what it was, though perhaps it was a white crowned sparrow.
It is so nice that here in Lincoln we are so close to Downtown, and then also have a nice backyard were we can see lots of wildlife.  We also have a resident rabbit, lots of squirrels, and bats.


Heidi said...

I hope you'll take me to that library too when Í'm there.It sounds really nice. you have lots of birds around your house ,probably because of the trees that are there. I'll send you an email with the nature site of the birdwatching group that oom wiebe always goes too. I think you'll like it.

Mother Theresa said...

Sounds like a nice place to live. Our kids would love all the animals you guys have around there.